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  9. 4 Types Of Corn Plants To Take Care On 2022

4 Types Of Corn Plants To Take Care On 2022

4 Types Of Corn Plants To Take Care On 2022


Corn is a vital crop for local communities as well as the global food system. Corn is being used for pet food, wheat for people to use, ethanol, refined sugars, sweeteners, carbohydrates, and liquor manufacture, among other things. It would be the most dominating and profitable plant on the planet, with vast swathes of territory devoted to worldwide manufacturing outputs of over 1 billion tonnes.

What is a Corn Plant?

Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’) is a tropical African plant that grows in the Asparagaceae category. Its traditional term originates from primary stalk’s resemblance to a corn plant.

The corn plant is a tropical African evergreen tree that has been famous as an interior plant in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century, and in the United States since the early twentieth century. They begin as stout shafts or canes that pressure greater, broad leaflets that shoot upwards like corn stalks.

They’re frequently dubbed “fake palms’ ‘ due to their growth habit, which makes them appear a lot like palm trees. They make wonderful house plants because they’re tall and slender, reaching roughly 4- to 6-feet tall in containers. Once you’ve established the proper growth conditions, these plants are low-maintenance. Though you can usually start new plants in the spring, you can usually pot nursery plants in the fall.

Dent Corn Plant

Grain corn, often referred as dent corn, is a carbohydrate squishy field maize. The little indentation, or “dent,” at the top of every kernel on a mature ear of corn gave it its title. Dent corn has a dip in the summit due to uneven dryness of the external and internal starch that help compensate for the kernel. It is primarily grown for animal feed and food manufacture. The plant can reach a height of up to three metres. It is indigestible to humans without processing.

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is a genetic variant of field corn that occurs spontaneously. This plant is smaller, matures more quickly, and has much more glucose in its kernels. It is indeed available in 3 different colors: yellow, white, and bicolor (yellow and white).

Bicolor an is produced through cross-pollination of yellow kernel cultivars with white kernel species. In addition, when a bicolor is hybrid pollinated with a golden species, the kernel color is mostly yellow. Although there are geographical preferences for certain kernel colors, there is no relationship between color and sweetness.

Flint Corn

Flint corn, sometimes called Indian corn, is identical to dent corn in that it is being used for the same objectives. Flint corn has a rigid structure containing kernels in a variety of hues ranging from white to crimson. The majority of flint corn is currently produced in Central and South America.

Flint corn has softened, floury, readily crushed kernels and is a dominant contributor of corn flour due to its high soft starch content. Flint corn is much more susceptible to chilling than other crops due to its low moisture content. The coloration of flint corn is often different from white and yellow dent corn, many of which were bred later. Most flint corn is multi-colored.

Flour Corn

Corn flour is made from flour corn (Zea mays var. amylacea), a type of grain with a delicate starchy endosperm and slender carpels. It is made from dried entire corn kernels processed into flour. It is a whole grain flour since it contains the hull, germ, and endosperm of corn.

Maize flour is normally yellow, however depending on the type of corn used, it can also be white or blue.It has a delicate and equating, equivalent to whole wheat flour. Corn starch, like all flours, gives baked dishes and other meals texture. It’s often combined with a binder like eggs to provide shape. Corn flour is generally gluten-free, so cooked products produced with it will not float as much as those made using wheat flour, but they’ll be soft and flavorful.

Nice To Know: Corn Plants

Here is the list of corn uses.

  • Dextrose (Food, Drug Uses)
  • Dextrins (Industrial Uses)
  • Cornstarch (Food, Drug and Cosmetic Uses)
  • Corn Oil, Refined (Food, Drug Uses)
  • Corn Syrup (Industrial Uses)
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup (Food Uses)
  • Cornstarch (Industrial Uses)
  • Corn Syrup (Food, Drug Uses) Liquid or Dried Form.

And the benefits that corns produce:

  • Rich source of calories
  • Reduces risk of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer
  • Rich source of vitamins
  • Provides necessary minerals
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Protecting Your Heart
  • Prevents Anemia
  • Lowers LDL Cholesterol
  • Vitamin-A Content
  • Controls diabetes and hypertension
  • Cosmetic benefits


Corn is the world’s third-largest organic source of food. Despite its significance as a staple meal in several regions around the world, corn is nutritionally inferior to those other cereals. Its protein is of poor quality, and it is deficient in niacin. Diets in which it predominates often result in pellagra (niacin-deficiency disease). Corn is high in dietary fibre and rich in antioxidants.
Lastly, It helps reduce global warming and greenhouse gas effects.

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