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Jade Plants: Easy Care Tips at Home

Jade Plants: Easy Care Tips at Home

Jade plant, also known as “Crassula ovata,” is a tropical perennial herb to Southeast Africa that falls to the Crassulaceae family and is commonly grown indoors. It has shiny, oval-shaped, emerald green leaves with a woody stem. This Jade plant can grow as 6 feet tall.

6 Jade Plant Care Instructions

1. Jade Plants Need Proper Temperature and Humidity

Jade species thrive at temperatures of 65°-75°F throughout the day and 50°-55°F at nighttime. But it can not tolerate being exposed to 50°F below for a long period of time. So during winter time, remember not to put it at the window touching the panes.

2. Sunlight for your Jade Plant

Bright light, but not intense sunshine, is required for Jade Plants. So it will be best to place the plant near the window with sheer curtains with at least 4-6 hours decent light each day. Too much exposure can lead rto scorching the leaves and eventually turn red.

3. Soil for your Jade Plant

Good quality houseplant potting mixture made for succulents can be used in Jade plants. To maintain adequate water flow, you could also combine perlite to an all-purpose potting mix. Too much exposure to moistness or water-clogging can cause roots to rot.

4. Jade Plants Need Water

Just like any other succulent plant, Jade plants require consistent moistness but never soggy. Recommended to water it every 1-2 weeks during the growing season and less to once a month in winter season. You can also mist the plants or use a damp sponge on the leaves. Make sure also that there is no water left at the saucer of the container.

5. Feeding Your Jade Plants

Jade Plants are light feeders so they don’t need much fertilizer. Nourish your Jade Plants with a calibrated water soluble nutrient every 3-four months during the growth phase in the Spring and Early summer, but much less frequently in the Winter.

6. Common Problems

  • Rotting Root: can indeed be caused by moisture stress or stagnant water at the plant’s roots. Check the potting container for water clog and remove the dead roots and repot if necessary. Before watering, check if the top inch of the soil is dry before putting in a small amount of water at a time.
  • Wilting Leaves: most likely the reason for this is the plants not getting enough water and moisture or even low humidity levels. Keeping the soil consistently moist will prevent this. You can mist or use a humidifier regularly to increase the level of the humidity.
  • Yellowing Leaves: over-watering and inadequate drainage of the container, as well as too much water, are the major causes of plant leaflets dropping in the bottom section. To avoid this, make sure that there is proper drainage at the bottom of the pot or use a container with several draining holes.

Caring for Jade Plant is not so complicated and you don’t have to feel ‘lucky’ to have this. With these easy and simple care tips, Jade plant care isn’t as difficult as one might think. You can have this as a decorative part of your home decor and have it for years to come!

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