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Rubber Plant Care: Guide Tips

Rubber Plant Care: Guide Tips

What is a Rubber Plant?

Rubber Plant is another term for “rubber tree” . It is a plum group annual plant with enormous deep green lustrous foliage that is often developed as an indoor plant. Native to Southeast Asia, it was formerly grown as a source of rubber. It is also good for home and the best and easy-care house plant. Is a rubber plant good for the bedroom? The rubber plant is low maintenance, hardy and does very well indoors. With its striking leaves, it’s a great addition to your bedroom.

Soil for Rubber Plants

Because rubber plants dislike sitting in water, a well-draining topsoil is essential. House Plant Expert suggests, in particular, that a “well-draining and well-aerated potting soil is needed, 1 part peat, 1 part pine bark and 1-part coarse sand (or perlite) is a good mix.”

Rubber Plant Care: Guide Tips

Rubber trees, also known as Ficus elastica, can be appreciated as moderate potted plants or cultivated into gorgeous indoor trees. Plants which begin out fresher when you acquire them develop faster to indoor living than houseplants than start out older when you obtain them, if you have the patience to cultivate your own. Here’s the easy guideline tips on how you take care of it.

1. Propagate Rubber Trees

Achieving a great cut is the first step in effectively propagating a rubber plant. Taking a cutting from the tip of a stem is best and these roots are the most effective. The cutting should be about 6 inches long, and you should take it just below a leaf. Then remove the bottom leaves from your cutting—this is where you’ll plant in the soil. Letting the stem to drain, immersing the cut in cultures grown, and placing a warm compress underneath the container can all help you succeed. When your friends and relatives see how beautiful your rubber plant is, they’ll want it for themselves.

2. Pruning And Repotting

Rubber plants do not really require much trimming other than eliminating dying or dead foliage. When it comes to trimming and repotting a rubber plant, “late spring is the best time.” If you don’t re-pot your plants, they will not grow. Don’t cut off the top until your plant reaches the desired height. When you cut off the top, your plant will branch out. However, don’t put rubber plants in pots that are too big. Transplanting to pots that are about an inch bigger in diameter than the previous pot is a good rule of thumb. You should repot your rubber plant when it becomes root-bound and the roots fill the entire pot. Or when you see the roots growing through the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot. To prevent root rot, use a well-draining potting soil. Even better if you mix in some perlite, sand or vermiculite.

3. Lighting And Watering

Rubber plants require a lot of bright sunlight, but not intense light. Rubber plants thrive in a warm climate protected by a thin barrier. That’s basic enough, but the hydration is dispersed! During the dormant season, your plant may only need water once or twice a month. Keep an eye out for floppy branches, which indicates a lack of water. Overwatering is indicated by fronds which turn yellow and brownish and collapse. The water requirements of rubber plants vary depending on the season. In the growing season (summer), the plant should be kept moist. Another recommendation is to hydrate with lukewarm water instead of cold tap water, which enables chlorine to dissipate and decreases the stress that cold water can provide to plant roots.


Is the Rubber tree plant being good or toxic at home? Rubber tree plants can cause skin irritation if you let it rest on the skin for a while. It can cause stomach problems if eaten too. Don’t let your pets get too close! In this classification it typically causes only minor irritation. While poisonous, the rubber tree is one of the least dangerous toxic houseplants.


The key to rubber plant care is balance. It likes just the right amount of sun and water. If you can give it just the right amount of both, you’ll have a happy, strong and tall rubber tree. Rubber plants will tell you if they need more sunlight or water if they start to drop their lower leaves.

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